Original Six Sigma values and techniques have not faded.
Six Sigma is famous for its investigatory approach to solving problems using the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) project management framework. DMAIC follows a natural flow of fact based discovery.
Just as impacting is the suite of MUST have quantitative decision making tools that sits in this framework. Measure systems analysis, statistical data analysis, lateral thinking techniques, team based brain storming tools and control and implementation techniques.
Lean Six Sigma also includes Design for Innovation; used when new product or process is required or a process is so broken that redesign is triggered. DMEDI (Define, Measure, Explore, Deploy, Implement)
#1. 40% of the knowledge transfer should be Lean focused!
#2. Lean is embedded into every phase of the knowledge transfer not a standalone review.
#3. Lean is more than a series of waste elimination tools it is an integral part of Lean Six Sigma profession.
This original work transformed the WORLD of continuous improvment. And super structures Lean Six Sigma as a best practice methodolgy
The same thing but different! A great explanation of transitioning LSS into the trransactional worls. A must read if this is your industry.
This handbook goes hand in hand with the Lean Six Sigma curriculum as you learn the depths and complexities of the tools and techniques this will keep your head above water as you swim byyourself.