What is

Lean Centric Design?

Lean Centric Design is an absolute necessity for sustainable market-value generating transformation in a disruptive ditigital environment.

LCD is the strategic framework that supports next generation business productivity enablers, such as; Lean Six Sigma 2.0 and all of its types and derivatives.

LCD starts by interrogating an organisations strategic aims and then provide powerful command and control enablers to convert that unique strategy into sustainable operational capability. There is no other way! 

Business Productivity Model

Not a smorgasbord


Driving Value

To sustain long term market-value creation in an evermore digitised environment an organisational paradigm shift may be needed to sustain a transformation culture. LEAN CENTRIC DESIGN provides a structured approach to strategic value realisation by tiering strategy into areas of operational activity. Areas are interrogated and priority opprotunities are targeted for economic value potential. By doing this, transformation benefits are linked to the strategic value proposition.


Benefits Criteria

Compliance disciplines promote fact-based decision making with weighted criteria based algorithms to analytically test priority focus at all levels of organisation. Establishing qualitative assessment to any productivity improvement initiatives will focus resources on highest priority opportunities


Simply Effective

More than a century of global experience in advancing  productivity with emerging technologies has provided a tried and tested wealth of tools and techniques that are as valid today as they ever were. Lean Centric Design ensures magnificaton of these tools and techniques by embedding them into a structured framework.


Cultural Bias

An intelligent strategic architecture that values the absolute requirement for a 'tribal' engagement contribution at all levels of organisation. The realisaton that sustainment in a digitally disruptive environment requires holistic involvement of all.

Three Core Components

Lean Centric Design has three significant components


Strategic Agility

Business leaders and next-generation executive included in the productivity architecture qualifying them as productivity improvement experts. Achieving customer centric ideals and value chain synergies will become an organic function with new universal agility skills. 


Project Portfolio Management

Institutionally engage a relentless search for opportunity identification and prioritisation. Simultaneously engage a professional skills build appropriate to meet the demands of the developing business improvement need.


Lean Operations

Integrate Lean Centric Design into the operational activities of the organisation at all levels and in all locations with a strong focus on comprehensive understanding of the four strategies of Lean operations:




Kirtland Leadership Pty Ltd
Head Office
InteGlobal Associates
Suite F, Level 1 Octagon
110 George St PARRAMATTA, NSW Australia


Freephone: 1300 204 489
Local number: +61 2 9615 9734
FAX: +61 2 8088 6227
E-mail: enquiries@leansixsigma.com.au